Monday, February 27, 2006

Sweet Lil Bear;)

(from Mami- "No wonder we love him so!")

Mami and Papi say they thank God for me & say that they think I am so cute- funny, I was just lookin' for the food and then a bearhug from Papi;)

Adventures & Travels

Mami and Papi took me to REI on my first (no- actually my second) official trip to Dad's toyland;) I dug it, and had a blowout, all in the same trip:)
Mami and Papi then took me to a pottery studio to paint a plate for Valentine's Day in celebration of my four week birthday; here's my feet all blue from the painting;)

Here's me and Mami at lunch across from Papi- she loves me soooo much (i am so very cuddleable though!)

Walks with Mami and Papi

Mami y Papi do a great job of taking me outside; these are three different walks we took: one with the three of us and me in the baby bjorn, one with mami carrying me all on her own for a walk with just the two of us, and one with papi leading the way with me in the stroller on an especially chilly day...I hardly noticed though, cuz I wuz all bundled up inside:)

love u all, ct

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Weighty News

So Mommie and Daddy weighed me tonight (using two different methods to ensure an accurate measurement), and the results are in-I'm 10.0 pounds! I've got to go eat dinner and then head to bed, though. Yay for God growing me and guiding my development at every step! cae <><

Monday, February 20, 2006

more friends and family

Prima Katie missed Tia Jules (and Jules missed Katie too!). Hugs are great!
"I want to see his tiny feet" ~Cosita

Katie covered my mouth for me while I yawned. Later at coffee, she tried to help burp me, but Abuelita took care of me instead.

Mami and Papi call me their osito (cute little bear) :)

family visits!

Yay! I finally got to meet grandma and grandpa! (We were all very excited to meet each other)
Grandpa likes holding me on the couch, and teaching me about fleet tactics.

This is picture from my first bath from grandma!

Wow. You look a lot closer than in the pictures from wv.
here's a shot from great-uncle david and great-aunt karen's visit to our house. they actually brought the coolest toy too-great learning fun for all of us!

friends coming to visit

so here's my friend ashlyn

and her parents craig and jody when they all came over to play and here's anthony's mommy, bonny. they're warming up in california now

oh yes, and here's Mommie's precious friend laura yay! and here i am with Mommie and Daddy at home!

update from Cae

taking a nap with Papi
chillin' in the sunshine :)
such full days make me sleepy
i like winter 'cuz i get to wear cute one-piece long underwear